Crime on Route 8, from Canal TV Argentina June 1963

Crime on Route 8
Dan Mathews the imponderable hero of the H.P. series, took a case in his day off.
Not withstanding it was the fastest case he resolved in his career as a policeman.
There the tragedy happened. Patrolman King sent the alarm and we detained Simpson. DM.- Call King, sergeant.
I was driving by, Inspector M. when I saw Malloy bending over Walcott's body.
I repeat Mr. M., I'm innocent!. I did not kill my associate Walcott. I can't
explain how my revolver, That was in my desk, appeared in my car. DM.- You are in a very delicate situation, Simpson.
What's your opinion, Inspector? The declaration by the 3rd associate is terminal! DM.- I don't sergeant. Let's go and study the case.
Mallory declared they were talking next to the lonely road, when they the front light of a car that was approaching, recognizing the driver as Simpson, who fired 3 rounds at us and the bullets that killed Walcott came from Simpson's revolver.
Simpson, Malloy and Walcott, the dead guy, had an immovable company, but they disagree over a land investment on route 8 Last night they discussed in acrimony without coming to an understanding.
Malloy and Walcott walked away mad at Simpson, on route 8 The D.A. is sure that Simpson is guilty.
DM.- He's wrong
Malloy LIED!
Call all Cars.
DM's experience let him find a hole in Malloy' declaration. Did you find it?
To find out turn the page upside down.

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